Professional Development

Professional Learning Communities (PLC).

Hampton East School is a PLC School.

Every member of staff is part of a PLC Team. In our PLC Teams, teachers evaluate their teaching practices, engage in professional learning and work collaboratively to improve student outcomes.

All members of staff also attend whole-school PLC meetings. We have a relentless focus on sharing expertise and working together to improve school outcomes.

Key Achievements from the PLC Teams

Assessment of students’ reading and numeracy skills
Planning of Workshop Groups to differentiate students’ learning in Literacy and Numeracy
Implementation of the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)
Development of student growth database to monitor student learning

Professional Learning completed in PLC

Read Write Inc. Fresh Start
Rip It Up Reading
Mathematics Online Interview Training
Cultural Understanding and Safety Training (CUST)
Staff Member Smiling - Hampton East School - Excellence In Inclusive Education

Instructional Coaching.

At Hampton East School, members of staff can request to partner with a coach to develop their teaching practice.

Coaching is professional conversations that are personalised to empower individual teachers to achieve their goals for professional growth.

Hampton East School Coaching Program

VIT Mentoring.

Hampton East School has a positive track record of mentoring graduate teachers to fulfil the requirement for their full teaching registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

Graduate teachers are mentored and supported by an experienced teacher to undertake an inquiry project. At the end of their project, they will have an opportunity to present their learning to the School Leadership Team.

Pre Service Teachers and Interns.

We have partnerships with many higher education providers, including Chisholm TAFE, Deakin University, Monash University and the University of Melbourne, to host placements and internships at Hampton East School. Our members of staff mentor Pre Service Teachers and Interns to develop their knowledge and skills in working with young people with a disability.